Frequently Asked Questions

We've put together a list of frequently asked questions that we think you might find helpful, take a look below to see if your question has already been answered. If you don't see the answers you're looking for, email us at and we'll do our best to help!
Who should I follow?WineTable is a growing social network for the wine industry. The more people you follow, the more activity you’ll see streaming into your Dashboard. Use the filter options on the People page to sort by specific area of specialty, such as Vintner, Sommelier, Chef, etc.Why do I need to follow anyone?Following a person ensures you can see their comments and activity on WineTable. The more people you follow, the more interesting your Dashboard feed becomes.
Who are the Featured Members?Featured Members are people who are especially active or play a special role on WineTable. We recommend that newcomers click through and follow all of the Featured Members to jumpstart your follow list.
Can I become a Featured Member?Of course! At WineTable, we are constantly on the lookout for members who are actively contributing to the discussion and posting great content. The more active you are, the more you can expect to be promoted to Featured Member status.
What are the benefits of being a Featured Member?As a Featured Member, you receive extra recognition for your knowledge and content. It’s our way of helping you build your audience to become known for your specialty.
Can I see how many people are following me?Currently, members can only see how many people are following them if they post their profile link to Facebook.
What is the Follow Me badge?The Follow Me badge is an HTML badge that you can add to your blog or website to advertise your presence on WineTable and invite others to join you there.
How can I follow another member’s activities?To add another member to your contacts, first visit their profile page by searching the People Directory and clicking on their name.
On their page, you will see a button that says, “Follow Me”, click it to add them to your contacts. You will now be able to see their recent activities in your Dashboard.
How do I add the Follow Me badge to my own website or blog?To display the badge on your website or blog, click on the “Get Instructions” link under the badge on your Profile page, copy the code, then paste it in the desired location in the CMS or CSS of your website or blog.
Should I use my business name or my personal name for my Profile?No. We highly recommend that you use your own name for your WineTable profile. Places is the business listing section of WineTable. You can add your company name or place of business by clicking the Places tab on your Profile page, then selecting “Add a Place.”
What should I talk about?Anything and everything wine-related! Do you have a special area of wine knowledge? WineTable is the perfect forum to become known as a specialist in your field--whether you’re a sommelier who specializes in Napa terroir or a wine consultant who knows the southern Bordeaux region like the back of your hand.
What’s my category?While we know there are many professions in wine, we’ve started the list with the most frequently used titles. If your role doesn’t fall within one of the specific titles, we recommend using Wine Pro as the catchall.
How do I add a Place?Click the Places tab on your Profile page, then select “Add a Place” and fill out the form. You can add any other employees from your company as admins to the Place and the Place will then appear on their Profile pages as well.I work in the wine industry, but not in a physical place of business. Should I still create a Place?Absolutely! Places is the business directory for the entire wine industry. Even if you’re a wine consultant who travels from location to location, you can use the Places section of WineTable to gain traction and visibility for your business.
Member Profiles
How do I edit my profile?You can add, change, or remove any information on your profile from the Edit My Profile page.Once you are done editing, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save Changes”.
How do I cancel my account?To cancel your account, navigate to the Account Settings page and select “Yes” next to “I want to cancel my membership” and save changes.
Where are the Log out and Account Settings links?To locate the Settings or Log out links, move your cursor over your name in the top left of the page.
Can I invite others to join WineTable?Yes, you can send invitations to join WineTable by clicking “Add Contacts” in the upper left corner of the page. You are then prompted to enter the email addresses of the friends you would like to invite, when you are finished, click Submit.